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Terms of Service

  • Hits: 3181

Garden Forest

  1. The goods travel at the risk of the customer, even if free at destination.
  2. Complaints will be accepted only if received no later than 5 days. receipt of goods, via registered mail.
  3. For the purposes of being able to get revenge on the shipment must contain the anomalies found to packages delivered on the transport document with the words "conditional acceptance".
  4. In case of dispute is competent only the court of Pistoia.
  5. Right to withdraw art. 4/9 Leg. 15/01/1992, 50 of the consumer who wishes to exercise their right under article 4 should be sent to the trader or the person specified in the previous article 5, if it is different, a notice to that effect within 14 working days from. The consumer must return items undamaged, unused and in original packaging within 14 days. A partial or temporary use of the articles inhibits the right of withdrawal. After receiving and checking the items within 10 days you will receive a refund for items returned. Will not be reimbursed for the shipping.

TuscanArte srl - Capital 34.000,00€  i.v. - P.Iva e C.F.: 01866370479 - Registered office in Via Fonda snc (no civic number), Monsummano Terme (PT), Italy - Phone (+39)0572 261407 - (+39)3287758990 - For info: